Finding the perfect location for your treadmill isn’t always easy, especially if you have little space to spare in your home. Many people consider placing their treadmill upstairs, whether it’s in an apartment building or on the second floor of a home or townhouse.
But is it smart to put a treadmill on the upper floor? It could be a viable solution. But you’ll want to ask yourself a few essential questions first.
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Is It Recommended to Put a Treadmill on the Second Floor?
Typically, experts don’t object to putting a treadmill on the second floor. In most situations, the floor can handle the weight. The biggest issue with putting a treadmill upstairs is getting it there. It’s a challenge to maneuver such a heavy object upstairs.
Can You Safely Use a Treadmill Upstairs?
Yes, it’s safe to use a treadmill upstairs. You won’t crash through the floor if that’s what you’re worried about.
The biggest safety concern is the process of moving a heavy piece of exercise equipment upstairs. Someone could hurt their back by lifting the treadmill or risk dropping it and hurting someone at the bottom. Therefore, it’s recommended that you use trained movers to put your treadmill upstairs.
How Much Do Home Treadmills Weigh?
Most home treadmills will weigh between 200 and 300 pounds. If you add the person’s weight using the treadmill, you can add between 150 and 250 pounds to that weight. In most cases, you shouldn’t have a problem putting that much weight upstairs.
5 Questions to Ask When Moving Treadmill Upstairs
If you plan to put your treadmill upstairs, we suggest you ask yourself a few questions in preparation.
1. How Much Weight Can Your Floor Take?
Usually, an upstairs floor can handle 30-40 lbs per square foot. An upstairs bedroom is regulated to handle a minimum of 30 lbs per square foot. Most treadmills take up about 30 square feet, give or take a few feet. If placed in an area that can take 30 lbs of pressure per square foot, the area of floor your treadmill covers can handle about 900 lbs before it gives out.
Even with the heaviest of commercial treadmills at 500 lbs, a floor that meets the minimum weight requirements as regulated by home builders should be fine.
If your home is old or you question its ability to hold heavy things, reach out to a professional to evaluate the weight-bearing capacity of your floor before trying to put a treadmill up there.
2. How Will the Noise and Vibration Affect Your Surroundings?
If you have downstairs neighbors, you might think twice about putting a treadmill upstairs. Even lighter treadmills can be very noisy when you combine the sound of the motor with the vibration against your floors and the sound of foot impact. If you’ve had noise reports before, putting a treadmill in your upper-floor apartment may not be wise.
You can do things to dampen the sound, like placing an anti-vibration treadmill mat beneath your machine. Placing art or decor around the room to absorb some of the noise will also help to keep it from echoing so loudly.
You might consider talking to your downstairs neighbors before installing a treadmill in your apartment. Additionally, check with apartment management to learn if any apartment complex rules prohibit the use of a treadmill in your apartment.
3. How Much Space Do You Need for Your Treadmill?
Measure the length and width of your treadmill. Most are about 6 ft by 4 ft. Then add extra space around the treadmill for clearance. The American Society for Testing and Materials recommends adding a minimum of 19.7 inches clearance at the top and sides of the treadmill with at least 39 inches of space behind.
This recommended space ensures that there’s adequate airflow for your expensive machine to prevent the engine from burning out. It also adds a safe space in case you were to fall off your treadmill and gives you enough room to safely mount the belt.
Once you’ve measured your treadmill and your available upstairs space, determine if you truly have room for this piece of equipment.
4. What Flooring Is Good for a Treadmill?
If you have a high-quality treadmill mat, you can put your treadmill on virtually any flooring. If you have laminate flooring, however, be careful as it’s very soft, and a heavy treadmill could dent or scratch the floors.
Most residential treadmills can go on carpeted floors as well, but they could damage the carpet without a mat. The carpet could also damage the treadmill, getting dust and fibers into the engine and treadmill belt. So a mat would be best for either circumstance.
5. Do You Have the Means to Get the Treadmill Upstairs?
You might find your biggest challenge is getting your treadmill from the ground floor to upstairs. If you don’t have an elevator in your apartment building or you’re living in a house with stairs, getting the treadmill upstairs won’t be easy.
For most residential treadmills, you should be able to get it upstairs with two strong, able-bodied people. However, if you don’t have help or have doubts about your ability to get it upstairs with help, hire professional movers.
How Do You Actually Get a Treadmill Upstairs?
If you’re attempting to get your treadmill upstairs on your own, think it through first. Moving heavy equipment upstairs could result in back injury at the least. At the most, it could fall on someone, which could be fatal.
We’ve laid out a simple process for getting your treadmill upstairs so you can successfully move it upstairs without casualty.
Get Help from Friends or a Professional
First, find another pair of hands. Whether you’re asking a friend or two to help or you’re hiring a professional, don’t attempt to move the treadmill on your own.
As mentioned previously, you’ll need at least 2 people to move this piece of equipment upstairs. If it’s an exceptionally heavy treadmill, you might invite an extra person to help.
Consider Your Stairwell
Does your stairwell go straight up or does it curve? Is there a door at the top of the stairs that the treadmill can fit through? Are the steps slippery?
Measure your stairwell and consider the angles you’ll encounter as you move your treadmill through it. If it’s a very tight stairwell, you might not be able to get the treadmill through.
Disassemble the Treadmill First
Many residential treadmills easily come apart so you can move them. See if your model will easily disassemble so you can move it piece by piece. Typically, the display and legs will come off of the belt hub, so you could move it in two pieces instead of one. You’ll likely still need two people to move the heavy belt hub, but it will make it less complicated to move.
Consider Possible Problems Ahead of Time
Mentally walk through the process of moving the treadmill and try to anticipate problems before they occur. For example, how will you keep from scratching your walls as you move the heavy pieces of equipment in the narrow stairwell? How will you navigate the turn in the staircase or open the door at the top? Thinking things through can help prevent many problems during the move.
Commonly Asked Questions About Treadmills Upstairs
Knowledge is power, so as you plan to move your heavy treadmill to your upper level, let’s look at a few questions people often ask.
Will a Treadmill Damage Hardwood Floors?
Yes, a treadmill will damage hardwood floors if it does not have a proper mat underneath. The weight of the treadmill, the impact of your feet when using it, and the vibrations of the machine will cause indentations and scratches on your hardwood floor.
However, many people have used thick, high-quality treadmill mats between their hardwood floors and treadmill. This can offer adequate protection to protect wood floors, so do your research and find the right mat.
Do I Still Need a Treadmill Mat on Carpet?
We recommend using a treadmill mat if you’re putting your treadmill on carpet. The mat will offer a dual purpose. On the one hand, it will protect your carpet and padding from indentations and ripped fibers that will no doubt happen with a regularly used treadmill.
On the other hand, it will protect your treadmill from your carpet. Carpets are dust and debris reservoirs, even if you vacuum daily. As you use your treadmill, dust, debris, and loose carpet fibers can get into the motor of your treadmill, causing damage.
So even on carpet, a treadmill mat is a good idea.
Can I Put a Treadmill Right Next to the Wall?
If you have multiple pieces of exercise equipment you’d like to move upstairs, consider the weight of each item and the size of the room. Remember that the floor joists in an upstairs room can typically hold between 30 and 40 lbs of weight per square foot. Calculate the weight of your fitness equipment and decide accordingly.
You’ll also want to think about how you’ll get your fitness equipment upstairs, the clearance around each item, and the noise factor for your neighbors.
So in theory, you can put a home gym upstairs, but you’ll want to consider your space before doing so.
Can You Put an Entire Home Gym Upstairs?
If you have multiple pieces of exercise equipment you’d like to move upstairs, consider the weight of each item and the size of the room. Remember that the floor joists in an upstairs room can typically hold between 30 and 40 lbs of weight per square foot. Calculate the weight of your fitness equipment and decide accordingly.
You’ll also want to think about how you’ll get your fitness equipment upstairs, the clearance around each item, and the noise factor for your neighbors.
So in theory, you can put a home gym upstairs, but you’ll want to consider your space before doing so.
Is It Okay to Have a Treadmill in an Upstairs Apartment?
If your apartment complex doesn’t prohibit it, you can put a treadmill in an upstairs apartment. But check with your building manager and neighbors before doing so. A noisy treadmill can be a nuisance upstairs, and you don’t want to cause any damage to your apartment floors or walls.
Is There a Good Treadmill Alternative for Upstairs Apartments?
If you don’t think a treadmill will work in your upstairs apartment, there may be some good exercise alternatives. A stationary bike, elliptical, or rowing machine could be decent alternatives.
You can also research lighter and quieter treadmill models. An under-desk treadmill might be a good option as well.
There are always ways to exercise, even if you live in an apartment that doesn’t allow a treadmill.