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How To See Real Hip Thrust Before and After Results?

 Written by 

Julien Raby

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The hip thrust is a classic in lower-body workouts. It’s a well-rounded exercise that can have incredible results when performed correctly and regularly. In fact, some people say they’ve had such profound results from their hip thrust workouts that it’s transformed the shape of their bodies. 

Can hip thrusts have such an effect on your body when performed regularly? There’s a lot that goes into seeing hip thrust before and after results that you can be proud of. Let’s examine the hip thrust exercise and how you can get excellent outcomes from it.

A woman showing her hip thrust before and after results
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What Is a Hip Thrust?

The hip thrust is similar to a glute bridge but with a little more weight attached. The purpose of a hip thrust is to activate your glute muscles, which are the biggest and strongest muscles in your lower body. It will target multiple leg muscles, especially your gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, and gluteus medius. You’ll also feel it in your hamstrings

You can perform bodyweight hip thrusts using only your own weight or you can do barbell hip thrusts, laying a barbell over your upper thighs to add additional resistance. Most people have strong enough glutes to handle the extra weight of a barbell, and it’s recommended to do so to intensify the exercise as you gain stronger glutes. 

Many experts say that hip thrusts are the absolute best lower body exercise you can do. Powerful glutes equal an exceptionally strong lower body. With a strong base, you’re setting your body up for success in any workout. 

While you can perform a hip thruster in the same way that you perform a glute bridge (from the ground up), most use a flat bench to prop up their upper back while lifting their glutes parallel to the bench. 

Different variations of hip thrusts target other muscles. For example, there are single leg hip thrusts, bottom-up hip thrust variations, barbell glute bridges, and other advanced hip thrust variations.

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5 Benefits of Hip Thrusts: Before vs. After

There are a lot of reasons to enjoy the classic hip thrust in your exercises. You’ll notice some significant benefits when considering the before and after of your hip thrusts. Let’s take a look at five of the most compelling reasons to try this exercise.

1. Activates and Strengthens Hips and Glutes

There are few better movements for glute strength than a classic hip thrust. It’s the optimal glute development move. Over time, you’ll notice a significant increase in body strength, particularly concerning your hips and glutes. 

Because your hips and glutes control so much of your body’s daily motion, strength in these regions is an incredible benefit. You can tackle even greater workout challenges when your gluteal muscles are stronger. 

Whether you’re working on a body-building goal or you’re simply trying to get fitter, having stronger glute and hip muscles will be hugely beneficial.

2. Less Pain and Greater Ease in Daily Activities

When you activate and have more control of your glutes and hips, you’ll have a stronger base to handle other movements. You’re less likely to experience injury, and you can handle more challenging exercises.

Your glutes are responsible for many daily movements, from lifting things to walking around. When your glutes are weak and inactive, your other muscles will overcompensate. When you run or walk, you’re more likely to sustain an overuse injury or even a muscle tear. 

You’ll feel more limber and able to handle the daily load with amazing glute muscles.

3. Abs and Lower Back Strength

While your posterior chain is the primary target for hip thrusts, they’re not the only muscles they’ll strengthen. You’ll also see increased strength in your abs and lower back.

As you raise and drop your glutes, preferably with a barbell over your thighs, you’ll need to keep your core tight. Your legs will handle most of the movement, but your abs and lower back muscles will be called into play too, leading to a stronger core. 

The benefits of stronger abs and lower back are evident in daily life. So much of your mobility and agility depends on your core, and hip thrusts can help.

4. Greater Speed and Mobility

Hip thrusters aren’t only for bodybuilders and gym enthusiasts. They’re also an excellent exercise for athletes. If you’re seeking greater speed and mobility in your sport (or even your daily life), you’ll be happy to know that hip thrusts can help here too. 

As the biggest muscle in your lower body, your glutes form the base for many activities. Athletes who work on their glutes will be faster, have better reflexes, accelerate more, and enjoy overall better performance from active sports. And greater agility means injury prevention

5. Better Posture

Human posture is declining more and more as casual lifestyles and screen time demands more attention. Unfortunately, poor posture can cause a host of physical health problems, including injuries and poor athletic performance. 

Hip thrusts can lead to significantly better posture, helping to lengthen your spine and strengthen your core. So much of strength training stems from a strong trunk. You’ll enjoy the benefits of better posture in athletic, casual, and professional settings.

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How to See the Best Results Before and After Hip Thrusts

If you want to see the many benefits in muscular development and daily living that hip thrusts offer, you’ll want to perform the movement correctly. Here’s some friendly advice for doing it the right way. 

For this exercise, you’ll need a flat weight bench and a barbell with an appropriate amount of weight on it. Some people use an exercise ball, but we recommend the bench for beginners. You might also want a pad of some kind to place between your hips and the barbell for your comfort. 

Sit on the floor and lean your back against the weight bench with your shoulder blades touching the top of the bench. Rest the bar over your hips, using the pad if desired. Plant your feet firmly on the floor and keep your core tight throughout the movement. 

When you’re in position, lift the barbell using the glutes. Push it up until your back is parallel to the bench with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. It helps to think about pushing down through your heels. 

Note the position of your back at this time. Only your shoulder blades and upper back should touch the bench. Also, note that your shoulders and neck are relaxed. Your chin should be slightly tucked, and you want to ensure that you’re not using your upper body to perform the movement. 

Pause at full extension, meaning your hips should be parallel with the bench. Brace your core and squeeze your glutes. Then lower back to the floor, keeping control of your movement 

Performing the movement correctly will not only give you better before and after results, but it will also help to prevent injury. 

Aim to perform hip thrusts as part of your lower-body workout once or twice per week. Ideally, you’ll perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps or until you max out. 

You can also attempt variations of the movement, such as single-leg hip thrusts, dumbbell hip thrusts, workout machine hip thrusts, hip thrust trains, or bodyweight elevated single-leg hip thrusts. 

Challenge yourself as you add hip thrusts to your daily routine. As you do so, you’ll soon see the before and after hip thrust results you crave.

What Can I Expect from My Body Before and After Hip Thrusts?

Besides getting your glutes in better visible shape, you should also notice improvements in your body’s strength. The most obvious benefits are the strength and size of your glute muscles. 

This strength will translate into other areas of your life. Stronger glutes mean you’ll have greater stamina and strength for other workouts. You’ll be less likely to experience injury and even have improved posture. 

The results will be there if you put in the time and work. You can’t slack off if you want to see true improvement in your glute muscles. 

How Long Will It Take to Notice Hip Thrust Before and After Results?

Before and after hip thrust results vary based on the individual’s genetics, fitness levels, age, and weight. However, most people will notice significant changes after about 6-8 weeks of doing the exercise 1-2 times per week.

You might notice some results after about 4 weeks if you’re paying close attention. It’s always wise to take before and after photos every 2-4 weeks so you can truly see the results.

Stick with the workout for 6 months to a year, and you won’t believe how strong and firm your booty becomes.

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Mistakes to Avoid for Better Results with Hip Thrusts

Because you want to get the best results out of hip thrusts, you’ll want to examine your form and eliminate mistakes or bad habits. Here are some of the most common mistakes we see in those performing hip thrusts. 

Insufficient Extension

It’s not uncommon for those doing hip thrusts to only partially perform the exercise. They’ll raise their hips, but not enough. 

A proper hip thrust puts the hips parallel to the bench with the knees at a 90-degree angle. You should squeeze your glutes at full extension, which is difficult if you’re not raising your hips to the right height. 

If you’re unable to reach full extension, it could mean your weight is too heavy. Consider dropping some weight and working back up to it over time. 

Improper Foot Placement

You should have your feet hip-width apart when at the starting position. They should be flat on the ground and as you raise your hips, push down into the heels. Don’t let your heels leave the ground. 

Dropping Too Fast

The most important work done in an exercise is during the pause at full extension. For hip thrusts, that means squeezing the glutes and bracing the core for a second before lowering to the floor. 

You don’t want to do the move too quickly. Your movements should be slow and controlled. 

Droopy or Tense Neck

While you don’t want your neck to be tense, you don’t want it to droop. Don’t let it fall back as you lift. This indicates you’re not properly bracing your core or using your glutes to perform the bulk of the lift. 

Tuck your chin slightly as you lift, keeping your shoulders down and your gaze focused. This will help to prevent neck injury.

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Hip Thrust FAQs

More questions about hip thrust before and after results? You’re not alone. Here are the questions we receive most often. 

Can I Grow My Glutes Just By Doing Hip Thrusts?

Yes and no. Hip thrusts will certainly work your glute muscles, but if they’re the only butt and thigh workout you’re doing, the results will be slow at best. Plus, you may be missing out on lower leg exercises that work more of your hips, thighs, and butt, which all contribute to better results from hip thrusts. 

So make sure you’re sprinkling other glute and lower leg exercises into the equation for best results. Seek out a well-rounded program targeting your glutes to get the strength and shape you seek.

Are Hip Thrusts Better Than Squats?

Both have different benefits, and whether or not squats or hip thrusts are better for you will depend on your goals. If you’re looking for athletic performance, many athletes prefer squats to hip thrusts because it builds leaner muscle designed for speed and agility. 

Those seeking a bigger, firmer butt will see far better results from hip thrusts. If you’re simply after glute strength, hip thrusts are the way to go. 

What Will My Before and After Results Be If I Do Hip Thrusts Every Day?

We don’t recommend doing hip thrusts every day. If you’re performing the hip thrust correctly, you’ll max out with each set. That takes a rigorous toll on your muscles, and they need time to heal before you do the exercise again. 

We recommend only doing hip thrusts once or twice per week, spacing out the exercise at least a few days to give the glutes adequate time to heal. Seek other lower-leg exercises that work different parts of the lower body for a more well-rounded bottom. 

Are Hip Thrusts the Best Glute Exercise?

Again, the answer to this question depends on your purpose in doing the exercise and how well you perform it. But in our opinion, hip thrusts are in the ranks of the best glute exercises. It’s a simple, attainable way to gain lower body strength.

The athlete, bodybuilder, and casual exerciser can all enjoy the benefits of doing this glute exercise. If you want strength and size, incorporate more weight, reps, or sets into the workout, aiming to max out every time. If you want strength and agility, perform hip thrusts at a lighter weight. 

Regardless of how you choose to incorporate hip thrusts into your workout, you won’t be sorry you added it to the regimen.


Julien Raby is the owner of BoxLife. He owns a bachelor in literature and a certificate in marketing from Concordia. He's Crossfit Level 1 certified and has been involved in Crossfit since 2010. In 2023 he finally made it to Crossfit Open Quarterfinals for the first time. LinkedIn Instagram Facebook

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